So due to smallfandombang I am rewatching "Blood Ties" after four years. The guys got me exactly as they did the first time. I had to make two rather dirsturbing walls after watching the fabulous "Mendoza" eps (Kyle's acting totally rocked in that two parter).
I wish you alllll the best and I thought your bday would be a nice reason to make a wall for those two again. I love to see Henry's more dangerous site in this :D Hope you like it too and that you'll have a nice day full of wonderful slashy gifts ;)
I know I've choosen the wrong fandom with this again, but I can't resist his young beauty. Everybody else probably is adoring Edward right now, but I find no energy to drive to the theatre. (Besides, Edward doesn't have long hair...)
Yeah, I know, when I am obsessed with something, I do tend to repeat myself. But that's how my wicked muses work. You already know, that it will be over at some point LOL but for now, those two rock my world ;)